Monday, July 9, 2012

This year’s summer has been filled with laziness and with studying the messy world of international politics through summer school.  I have been to a conference on the Church in Palm Springs, and have done time (an amazing week) in Flagstaff.

Right now I am in a calm place before the fall school semester starts up, and I’ve found myself rehashing old doubts when I should be energetically making the most of the time I’ve been given.

So, I would like to begin this web log with a list of big and little things which I am grateful for, and that make life beautiful.  To put things in perspective.

- kind, loving family that know you the best and still love you the most
- getting lost in a good story
- discovering a new aspect of God’s character
- letting someone braid my hair
- scents that bring back good memories
- hearing beautiful music at an unexpected place or time

There is so much more like this that I have done nothing to deserve and rarely take time to notice, but when I do it is always, always worth it!